Friday Fresh Meme – 00013 (farming solution)

Viral Meme 13

This is our fresh meme to help you slide into the weekend.

Gardening is a whole different ball game to farming, it’s part of the solution to which farming is part of the problem.

Mango Wodzak


Is gardening farming? NO. Gardening is a smaller, and more wholesome activity. It is very local and community centered. Commercial farming on the other hand is very much focused on the larger macro environment. If in a neighbourhood of 1000 families, every family grew their own little productive backyard gardenhome garden A designated area around a residential property where individuals cultivate plants, fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants for personal use. It comprises a farming system that combines physical, social, and economic functions on the area of land around a family home, providing a sustainable source of food and other benefits for the household, extended family, and friends., it would ease the burden on the food supply system by a considerable amount. Gardening is a solution in these times. Consider it!

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